HomeAbout UsWAFC’s Retail Management Certificate Program Hits 2,700 Graduates in Spring 2019!

WAFC’s Retail Management Certificate Program Hits 2,700 Graduates in Spring 2019!

(LAKEWOOD, CALIF.) — The Western Association of Food Chains’ most widely-available educational program, the community college Retail Management Certificate, has experienced a “boon year” of graduates!   With 700 students completing coursework between Fall 2018 and Spring 2019, the program now boasts 2,700 certificate recipients!

As the food industry evolves with changes in products, processes, technology and competition, the program provides relevant real-life learning to develop future leaders.  Collectively, food industry workers across the U.S. complete nearly 10,000 courses a year as they aspire to earn the credential.

Introduced in partnership with 150 community colleges, the Retail Management Certificate is an accredited community college program designed to provide our workforce with the critical skills and knowledge needed to attain management roles in the grocery industry.  The first graduates completed the program in 2002.  Today, the eight-course curriculum is available at community colleges throughout the nation and 100% online.

For more information on the Retail Management Certificate and how to participate, go to www.RetailManagementCertificate.com. To learn more about the WAFC, go to www.wafc.com