College Certificate Program Advances Retail Careers
Retail is a rapidly growing industry with an increasing need for an educated workforce to fill opportunities in: management and operations, sales and marketing, customer service, human resources, accounting, logistics and supply chain management, merchandising, design, information technology, legal, just to name a few!
The Retail Management Certificate is an accredited community college program that will equip you with valuable skills to start or advance your career in the retail industry. You will gain a greater understanding of the ‘why principles,’ enabling you to confidently find your niche within the broad spectrum of retail careers. In as quickly as one year, you can graduate from this program and qualify for a position or promotion in retail management.
The Retail Management Certificate is available online nationally and on campus at approved community colleges throughout the US. The program has been endorsed by leading retailers across the nation including partner companies of the Western Association of Food Chains and FMI, the Food Industry Association. Additionally, the certificate has been recognized as a part of the White House’s Upskill Initiative, and leading organizations and foundations including the ACT Foundation and the U.S. Department of Labor.
Click on the chart below to see how the Retail Management Certificate is an integral part of building a retail career: